Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bluegrass on Sunday Afternoon, April 27th Puzzles

Come out to Puzzles restaurant on Richmond Road, Sunday April 27th at 1pm to hear One Square Mile fire up some hot pickin' and hurtin' songs.

These Sunday afternoons at Puzzles are always a hoot, so get out, hear the band and have a few cold ones at a local restaurant.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Two of the Best Festivals Around - Russel and Almonte

Hey Everybody,

Here are the dates for two of the festivals that we will be performing at this year. We performed at both of these festivals last year and we can tell you that they are both great fun. Get yourself down to these festivals, they are two of the best local festivals. As always, feel free to wander up to the stage and say hi to us.

The Russel Celtfest is set for Saturday, June 14th.

On July 12th we will be performing at the Almonte Celtfest. Details for that festival can be found at http://www.almonteceltfest.com/. We will be doing an out door set early evening on Saturday, July 12th and then we will be part of a Ceilidh at the Almonte Old Town Hall.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Website Redesigned

Hi Everyone,

After months of threatening to do so, Tom finally got around to redesigning the website (www.onesquaremile.ca). Go have a look, we think that you will like it.

The old site was hard to keep up to date, and once the spring/summer rolls around it was hard to keep it up to date. We were finding that gigs would come and go and we didn't even get them listed on the site. Hopefully the new site, in conjunction with this 'blog, will be more effective, time will tell.


New Dates Added

Hi Everyone,

The spring/summer is looking like it is going to be busy for One Square Mile. We have decided to use this blog to keep track of our upcoming gigs. Along the right hand side of the blog you can now see where we will be playing.

Get out to see us, and be sure to say hi.