Thursday, October 4, 2007

Some Pics That Didn't Get on The CD

Well now that the CD is about to be printed and duplicated, we thought we would share some pics that didn't get into the CD booklet.

It is a long story, but we started with grandiose plans of a 16 page booklet, then reality took over and we had to scale down. Here is some of the artwork that didn't make it into the booklet, maybe next time ;o)

Included in the pics is a nice one of Randy's father, a nice barn pic from Vermont, and an old abandoned tractor from somewhere (I think it is in New Hamphsire).

As I alluded to, the CD is in the hands of the duplication company now. There will be a separate posting about this shortly. Suffice to say that it has been a huge piece of work and it is nice to take a bit of a breather from it.

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